Predictive Scoring

How to Set Up Lead Scoring in Salesforce

How to Set Up Lead Scoring in Salesforce

When it comes to sales, it's easy to get caught up in the numbers game and focus on building a mountain of leads. But at the end of the day, it’s not just about filling the pipeline, but refining it so that sales teams can spend their time with the highest quality prospects. Savvy marketers take advantage of lead scoring to get to this point.

Lead scoring is a method of attributing a numerical value to each of your leads based on their likelihood to convert. It’s a strategic process that blends data analysis with your unique business insights, enabling you to assess each lead's potential based on their behavioral and demographic traits. Think of it as your compass, guiding you to the right leads at the right time.

However, lead scoring models are only as strong as the data they’re fed. By integrating Salesforce with your lead scoring efforts, you can elevate your model with a wealth of customer data.

Understanding Salesforce Lead Scoring

Before we delve into the details of setting up lead scoring in Salesforce, it's crucial to understand Salesforce's built-in lead scoring mechanism: Einstein. This platform leverages artificial intelligence (AI) to determine the likelihood of lead conversions by evaluating the prospects in your sales pipeline, assigning them scores based on their likelihood to convert into a sale, and subsequently ranking them.

Einstein uses an array of data points, including demographic and behavioral patterns, to deliver these scores. It constantly learns and evolves, adapting to new data and changing conditions. This powerful lead scoring tool within Salesforce makes it easier to prioritize leads, giving your sales team a clear idea of where to direct their efforts.

But what if you could go beyond the foundational lead scoring capabilities of Einstein? MadKudu takes lead scoring a step further by using AI to analyze your sales, marketing, and product data, predicting both conversions and the best revenue opportunities. This gives you a much deeper understanding of your prospects, unlocking a more personalized and effective approach to nurturing leads.

MadKudu and Salesforce Lead Scoring: A Winning Combination

By integrating the robust CRM capabilities of Salesforce with MadKudu’s cutting-edge lead scoring model, your sales efforts stand to benefit in several critical ways.

Enable Predictive Lead Scoring

One of the major benefits of integrating MadKudu with Salesforce is the ability to enable predictive lead scoring. Unlike traditional scoring models, which are primarily based on intuition and manually assigned values, predictive lead scoring leverages AI and machine learning to analyze vast amounts of data and forecast future behavior.

MadKudu's predictive lead scoring model scans your historical sales data, behavioral data, and external data points to create a complex lead scoring model. This model is far from static; it's constantly evolving and learning from new data. This predictive power, when synced with Salesforce, offers a proactive approach to lead management, allowing you to engage with leads at the right time with the right message.

Combine MadKudu's Insights With Your Unique Business Knowledge

While MadKudu offers advanced analytics and machine learning capabilities, it doesn't replace the unique knowledge and expertise you have about your business, your customers, and your market. Rather, the integration of MadKudu and Salesforce offers an opportunity to augment your existing knowledge with data-driven insights.

This combination of AI-driven predictive lead scoring and your proprietary business insights allows you to prioritize leads more effectively and accurately, providing a deep understanding of each lead's potential. By factoring in unique characteristics of your business and industry-specific nuances, you can constantly fine-tune your scoring model, kicking off a virtuous feedback loop.

Higher Customer Lifetime Value

By focusing on leads that are a good fit for your product or service, you increase the chances of acquiring customers with a high lifetime value (LTV). This is the total net profit that you can expect to earn from a customer over the duration of their relationship with your business. MadKudu’s predictive scoring identifies these potential long-term, loyal customers, not just immediate purchasers, by analyzing historical data and the behaviors of your best customers. This forms a 'model' of your ideal customer, which new leads are evaluated against, making it easier to identify those most likely to contribute to a higher LTV.

When these insights from MadKudu are integrated with Salesforce, your sales and marketing teams have crucial data at their fingertips, enabling the creation of tailored strategies to effectively manage these high-potential relationships. Plus, as MadKudu continually learns and adapts its model based on new data, your lead scoring remains accurate and relevant, leading to a more efficient sales process.

Integrating Salesforce Lead Scoring with MadKudu

Here's how you can integrate MadKudu with Salesforce:

  1. Enable Einstein Lead Scoring: To start using the lead scoring feature, you need to enable Einstein Lead Scoring. Instructions for how to do so can be found on Salesforce.
  2. Set up the Integration: To set up the integration, navigate to the 'Integrations' tab on your MadKudu dashboard, click on 'Salesforce', and follow the instructions to connect your Salesforce account.
  3. Create Custom Fields in Salesforce: MadKudu sends lead scores and insights to Salesforce via custom fields. You can create these fields in Salesforce by following the instructions provided on the MadKudu and Salesforce support page.
  4. Map MadKudu Fields to Salesforce: Now that you've created the custom fields, go back to the MadKudu dashboard and map the corresponding MadKudu fields to the fields you just created in Salesforce.
  5. Define Scoring Criteria with MadKudu: MadKudu provides you with a comprehensive set of data points from which you can select your scoring criteria. You can create a rule for each data point you want to include in your lead scoring model.

The combination of MadKudu and Salesforce makes for a powerful lead scoring mechanism that can significantly enhance your sales and marketing performance. What do you have to lose? Get a personalized demo and let the power of predictive analytics drive your business to new heights.